Andy McCarthy calls firing of US Attorney Geoffrey Berman 'much ado about nothing'

In an interview on "America's Newsroom" with host Ed Henry, the Fox News contributor pointed out that Berman was simply an interim attorney "essentially keeping the seat warm" until a fully-appointed U.S. attorney was put in place. McCarthy explained that with the leadership and senators -- who have an impact on the confirmation process -- in the state of New York being Democrats, the challenge for President Trump has been to try to get his own people confirmed who will work with the Democrats in Congress . "And, obviously, of lot of that [has] broken down," he noted. According to McCarthy, Berman wasn’t even a permanent full-fledged confirmed US attorney, he was just an interim US attorney. McCarthy says he was essentially keeping the seat warm until they got a full, appointed US attorney there. The Trump administration is moving to put SEC Chairman Clayton in Berman’s role, to appoint to him to the position. McCarthy notes that ...